In today's fashion obsessed world, the clothing you wear is a representation of one's self. Recently there has been T-Shirts, designed for men wearing slurs, slogans and phrases printed on the front and back. These slurs are comical yet profoundly offensive, yet are proving to be more popular. Slogans printed on the T-Shirts are satire expressions of everyday life, which may be thought in the head, but not said out loud. This is very controversial as males are proud to wearing these types of T-Shirts. By wearing these types of T-Shirt one can see the connotations these males want to display.
Males wearing these styles of T-Shirts give off rebellious vibes that say they are not subject to order and routine. These males do not give in to society and want to be different in order to cause a stir in the respect they do not care what people think of them as long as they cause a disturbance. However, I am not saying these T-Shirts are bad, most certainly not. In fact, I believe them to be very good. Fashion is an expression of one's self, and in this example of the slurs written on T-Shirts, males exploit the rebellious nature of themselves in a controversial, silent way, by the T-Shirt doing the talking - simply genius.
Many exclusive brands are moving more and more towards this sector of clothing as it is a growing business with more males wanting to break free from the order of wearing "boring" T-Shirts. An up and coming brand known as "Gorilla" specialize in slur T-Shirts. One popular T-Shirts they sell has written "its not going to suck itself", with an arrow pointing down to the male torso. This is cleaver satire giving of sexual connotations that the male of today is getting and will always get sexual attention.
The idea of attention is another key reason why these T-Shirts have proven so popular. It is human nature to want attention and that is exactly what these T-Shirts give. In regards to the sexually explicit slurs, they are usually targeted at women. By wearing these types of T-Shirts, women would look and read the men's T-Shirts, ultimately doing the job the man wanted: to get attention.
With these types of T-Shirts generation popularity amongst youth culture it is clear to see why many your men are beginning to wear these T-Shirts. With having your own unique identity and style of dress, you separate yourself from society. This is something many men and women want to do in order to have their own unique fashion. By standing out from the crowd you inadvertently make yourself an icon. People would look at you in your separatist style and judge you accordingly. If it proves successful, you will becoming popular in today's fashion driven world, which answers the question why these slur, slogan and phrased T-Shirts are becoming more popular by the day.
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