If you came to Pekalongan Indonesia you can look many batik, you can find batik shoping, making batik and other ornament batik in Pekalongan Indonesia
Look at the moderates in our own country. They are part of the good-for-nothing "silent majority". On a recent radio program, senior lawyer Adnan Buyung Nasution regretted their indifference towards the current state of affairs. We have the burning issues of freedom of faith, the unintelligent amendment of our constitution, and damages done to our culture and cultural heritage - not to speak of our foreign policy going off track and our industries systematically and slowly but surely being killed.
Regarding the issue of the dumping of batik fabrics by the Chinese, our Cabinet ministers are divided. One sees it as no threat by stating that the Chinese cannot steal our motifs; the other is concerned about the impact of such dumping on the local industries.
Between these two officials, there is a huge silent majority keeping mum. They do not care if our importers and traders are fast becoming traitors by destroying the local industries. They do not mind if our tax, customs and excise officials become shortsighted and loose the national interest from its view.
Let us not be deluded by our very intelligent minister saying the Chinese do not have the ability to copy our motifs. The problem is we commoners are not as intelligent as you are, Excellency. A good majority of us cannot differentiate between the Surakartan and Yogyakartan motifs. We also do not know which motif is reserved for members of royalty, and which are for commoners like us. For us batik is batik. And we do not know if a shirt or a blouse bought by us is made of local or imported fabric.
Excellency, please join your colleague who considers the Chinese batik as a real threat in visiting our small-scale industries in Pekalongan and elsewhere. Initiate a heart-to-heart talk with them. Excellency, your statement is too plain, and we do understand the reason behind it.
Another burning issue is that of our constitution. It has been so unintelligently perhaps deliberately amended - so as to limit our state ideology to a mere phrase. Who cares for Pancasila? After a long, long time, our President finally woke up to the threat of national disintegration caused by such amendments.
He has suggested a commission to look into the matter. But who is chairing the commission? Who are the members? Are they fully committed to Pancasila, which has its roots in our cultural heritage? Or do they have mixed loyalties? Perhaps they do not even care for our cultural heritage, and sym-pathize more with foreign cultures.
In a recent issue of this paper, two news articles shared the same page. One was about the re-deliberation of the so-called "porn bill", strongly supported by one of our political parties; the other was about a Saudi judge okaying the killing of a television network owner for broadcasting something which was "defined" as immoral.
How many of us really know what the "porn bill" implies? How many of us really care about its impact? Those who reject the bill are often misunderstood as supporters of pornography.
No, we do not support pornography, but we reject the bill. We already have rules, regulations, laws and bylaws to take care of the issue. We do not need a bill drafted to comply with the definition of a group of people on what should be considered pornography.
I have thoroughly studied the proposed bill, and I found it totally against our culture, our cultural heritage and our age-old belief system. We do not, I repeat with underline and in capital letters, DO NOT consider sex as sin. We have the know-how, the science and technology to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy. Our campuses at Sukuh and Ceto near Solo bear witness to our age-old tradition and wisdom.
It is now very clear that those who drafted the proposed bill are totally unaware of our indigenous wisdom. Our first president, Bung Karno, envisioned our national monument (Tugu Monas) as a concrete form of such wisdom. It is a modern symbol of linga and yoni, the male and female sexual organs, representing the ability to create, nurture and recycle for the purpose of recreation. Until recently, the brochure published by the Jakarta Tourism Board explained the founding father's vision in clear terms.
The proposed bill, if passed, can define just about anything as porn. Our dances, our arts, our dancers and our artists - all can easily fall into the category of porn and pornography. If this bill is passed, our nation stands to lose its cultural roots and national identity. We shall have a Saudi Arabia kind of country, and it is anybody's guess as to who and which political parties will benefit from such a cultural and ideological shift.
Our diplomats are clearly confused. Some of them are even referring to our country as a modest Muslim State. Are we? We have the largest Muslim population, yes. But, we are not a Muslim State.
I advice the present government to learn from its past mistakes. The joint ministerial decree on Ahmadiyah sect has not solved any problems. Indeed, it has created more problems. By misinterpreting the decree, at least one governor has officially banned the sect and who according to senior lawyer Adnan quoted earlier has gone against the constitution. His move is not even in line with the spirit of the decree. The porn bill will add to our problems.
I strongly advice the mo-derates among us the so-called silent majority to wake up and stop being onlookers. I agree that between white and black, there are several shades of gray. But, this is not the time to dwell in the gray area.
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Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
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